PTSD Original Text

Critical Reading:
“Is PTSD Contagious?”

This week, following the model of critical reading I provided in “Kidney Season on Death Row,” I’ll ask you to closely examine the claims made, inferences made, and conclusions drawn by the author of the Mother Jones article, “Is PTSD Contagious?

Time stamps would be welcome if you’re analyzing a video, but you’re not. So, since we’re analyzing a written argument, please provide direct quotations and any help you can offer to guide me to the original claim/s you’re analyzing.

Your personal opinion on the subject PTSD may be fun for me to know (tell me anytime!) but irrelevant to this exercise. Instead, evaluate the quality of the claim/s—their technique, their relevance, their sufficiency, their logic, their reasonableness.

The Actual Exercise

Identify and Critically Analyze as many Claims of any type as you can find
in one hour in “Is PTSD Contagious?”

  • Base your analyses on the model I provided in Critical Reading: Death Harvest
  • The assignment will take two hours.
    • Give yourself one hour to read the article or listen to the author read the article on the podcast.
    • Analyze claims for one hour.
  • Philosophical musings such as those we may have considered in class about whether yawning is “contagious,” are interesting, but are not called for in this assignment.
  • Restrict your analysis to the numbered section you were assigned in class
    • If you missed class and were not assigned a numbered section, text me for an assignment.
  • Pull quotes from the original
  • Analyze the claims directly from the quotes.
  • Title your post PTSD Claims—Username.
  • Publish your analysis in the Claims category and, of course, your Username.

The Article in Straight Text


Brannan Vines has never been to war. But she’s got a warrior’s skills: hyperawareness, hypervigilance, adrenalinesharp quick-scanning for danger, for triggers. Super stimuli-sensitive. Skills on the battlefield, crazy-person behavior in a drug store, where she was recently standing behind a sweet old lady counting out change when she suddenly became so furious her ears literally started ringing. Being too cognizant of every sound—every coin dropping an echo—she explodes inwardly, fury flash-incinerating any normal tolerance for a fellow patron with a couple of dollars in quarters and dimes. Her nose starts running she’s so pissed, and there she is standing in a CVS, snotty and deaf with rage, like some kind of maniac, because a tiny elderly woman needs an extra minute to pay for her dish soap or whatever.

Brannan Vines has never been to war, but her husband, Caleb, was sent to Iraq twice, where he served in the infantry as a designated marksman. He’s one of 103,200, or 228,875, or 336,000 Americans who served in Iraq or Afghanistan and came back with PTSD, depending on whom you ask, and one of 115,000 to 456,000 with traumatic brain injury. It’s hard to say, with the lack of definitive tests for the former, undertesting for the latter, underreporting, under or over-misdiagnosing of both. And as slippery as all that is, even less understood is the collateral damage, to families, to schools, to society—emotional and fiscal costs borne long after the war is over.

Like Brannan’s symptoms. Hypervigilance sounds innocuous, but it is in fact exhaustingly distressing, a conditioned response to life-threatening situations. Imagine there’s a murderer in your house. And it is dark outside, and the electricity is out. Imagine your nervous system spiking, readying you as you feel your way along the walls, the sensitivity of your hearing, the tautness in your muscles, the alertness shooting around inside your skull. And then imagine feeling like that all the time.


Caleb has been home since 2006, way more than enough time for Brannan to catch his symptoms. The house, in a subdivision a little removed from one of many shopping centers in a small town in the southwest corner of Alabama, is often quiet as a morgue. You can hear the cat padding around. The air conditioner whooshes, a clock ticks. When a sound erupts—Caleb screaming at Brannan because she’s just woken him up from a nightmare, after making sure she’s at least an arm’s length away in case he wakes up swinging—the ensuing silence seems even denser. Even when everyone’s in the family room watching TV, it’s only connected to Netflix and not to cable, since news is often a trigger. Brannan and Caleb can be tense with their own agitation, and tense about each other’s. Their German shepherd, a service dog trained to help veterans with PTSD, is ready to alert Caleb to triggers by barking, or to calm him by jumping onto his chest. This PTSD picture is worse than some, but much better, Brannan knows, than those that have devolved into drug addiction and rehab stints and relapses. She has not, unlike military wives she advises, ever been beat up. Nor jumped out of her own bed when she got touched in the middle of the night for fear of being raped, again. Still.

“Sometimes I can’t do the laundry,” Brannan explains, reclining on her couch. “And it’s not like, ‘Oh, I’m too tired to do the laundry,’ it’s like, ‘Um, I don’t understand how to turn the washing machine on.’ I am looking at a washing machine and a pile of laundry and my brain is literally overwhelmed by trying to figure out how to reconcile them.” She sounds like she might start crying, not because she is, but because that’s how she always sounds, like she’s talking from the top of a clenched throat, tonally shaky and thin. She looks relaxed for the moment, though, the sun shining through the windows onto her face in this lovely leafy suburb. We raise the blinds in the afternoons, but only if we are alone. When we hear Caleb pulling back in the driveway, we jump up and grab their strings, plunging the living room back into its usual necessary darkness.

The Vineses’ wedding album is gorgeous, leather-bound, older and dustier than you might expect given their youth. Brannan is 32 now, but in her portraits with the big white dress and lacy veil she’s not even old enough to drink. There were 500 people at the ceremony. Even the mayor was there. And there’s Caleb, slim, in a tux, three years older than Brannan at 22, in every single picture just about the smilingest motherfucker you’ve ever seen, in a shy kind of way.

Now, he’s rounder, heavier, bearded, and long-haired, obviously tough even if he
weren’t prone to wearing a COMBAT INFANTRYMAN cap, but still not the guy you
picture when you see his “Disabled Veteran” license plates. Not the old ‘Nam guy
with a limp, or maybe the young legless Iraq survivor, that you’d expect.


It’s kind of hard to understand Caleb’s injuries. Even doctors can’t say for sure
exactly why he has flashbacks, why he could be standing in a bookstore when all of a sudden he’s sure he’s in Ramadi, the pictures in his brain disorienting him among
the stacks, which could turn from stacks to rows of rooftops that need to be scanned
for snipers. Sometimes he starts yelling, and often he doesn’t remember anything
about it later. They don’t know exactly why it comes to him in dreams, and why
especially that time he picked up the pieces of Baghdad bombing victims and that
lady who appeared to have thrown herself on top of her child to save him only to find the child dead underneath torments him when he’s sleeping, and sometimes awake. They don’t know why some other guys in his unit who did and saw the same stuff that Caleb did and saw are fine but Caleb is so sensitive to light, why he can’t just watch the news like a regular person without feeling as if he might catch fire. Some hypotheses for why PTSD only tortures some trauma victims blame it on unhappily coded proteins, or a misbehaving amygdala. Family history, or maybe previous trauma.

Whatever is happening to Caleb, it’s as old as war itself. The ancient historian Herodotus told of Greeks being honorably dismissed for being “out of heart” and “unwilling to encounter danger.” Civil War doctors, who couldn’t think of any other thing that might be unpleasant about fighting the Civil War but homesickness, diagnosed thousands with “nostalgia.” Later, it was deemed “irritable heart.” In World War I it was called “shell shock.” In World War II, “battle fatigue.” It wasn’t an official diagnosis until 1980, when Post Traumatic Stress Disorder made its debut in psychiatry’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, uniting a flood of Vietnam vets suffering persistent psych issues with traumatized civilians—previously assigned labels like “accident neurosis” and “post-rape syndrome”—onto the same page of the DSM-III.

But whatever people have called it, they haven’t been likely to grasp or respect it. In 1943, when Lt. General George S. Patton met an American soldier at an Italian hospital recovering from “nerves,” Patton slapped him and called him a coward. In 2006, the British Ministry of Defence pardoned some 300 soldiers who had been executed for cowardice and desertion during World War I, having concluded that many were probably just crippled by PTSD.


Granted, diagnosing PTSD is a tricky thing. The result of a malfunctioning nervous system that fails to normalize after trauma and instead perpetrates memories and misfires life-or death stress for no practical reason, it comes in a couple of varieties, various complexities, has causes ranging from one lightning-fast event to drawn-out terrors or patterns of abuse —in soldiers, the incidence of PTSD goes up with the number of tours and amount of combat experienced. As with most psychiatric diagnoses, there are no measurable objective biological characteristics to identify it. Doctors have to go on hunches and symptomology rather than definitive evidence. And the fact that the science hasn’t fully caught up with the suffering, that Caleb can’t point to something provably, biologically ruining his life, just makes him feel worse. It’s invalidating. Even if something is certainly wrong—even if a couple of times he has inadvisably downed his medication with a lot of booze, admitting to Brannan that he doesn’t care if he dies; even if he once came closer to striking her than she ever, ever, ever could have imagined before he went to war—Caleb knows that a person whose problem is essentially that he can’t adapt to peacetime Alabama sounds, to many, like a pussy.

“Somebody at the VA told me, ‘Kids in Congo and Uganda don’t have PTSD,’” Caleb tells me angrily one day.

You can’t see Caleb’s other wound, either. It’s called traumatic brain injury, or TBI, from multiple concussions. In two tours, he was in at least 20 explosions—IEDs, vehicle-borne IEDs, RPGs. In one of them, when a mortar or grenade hit just behind him, he was thrown headfirst through a metal gate and into a courtyard. His buddies dragged him into a corner, where he was in and out of consciousness while the firefight continued, for hours. When it was over, they gave him an IV and some Motrin, and within hours, he was back on patrol. The Army has rules about that sort of thing now. Now if you’re knocked unconscious, or have double vision, or exhibit other signs of a brain injury, you have to rest for a certain period of time, but that rule didn’t go into effect in theater until 2010, after Caleb was already out of the service. He wasn’t diagnosed for years after he got back, despite Brannan’s frantic phone calls to the VA begging for tests, since her husband, formerly a high-scoring civil-engineering major at Auburn University, was asking her to help him do simple division. When Caleb was finally screened for the severity of his TBI, Brannan says he got the second-worst score in the whole 18-county Gulf Coast VA system, which serves more than 50,000 veterans. But there’s still a lot about brain damage that doctors, much less civilians, don’t understand.

“I guess we’re just used to dealing with people with more severe injuries,” a VA nurse once told Brannan upon seeing Caleb.

Unlike PTSD, secondary traumatic stress doesn’t have its own entry in the DSM, though the manual does take note of it, as do many peer-reviewed studies and the Department of Veterans Affairs. Symptoms start at depression and alienation, including the “compassion fatigue” suffered by social workers and trauma counselors. But some spouses and loved ones suffer symptoms that are, as one medical journal puts it, “almost identical to PTSD except that indirect exposure to the traumatic event through close contact with the primary victim of trauma” is the catalyst. Basically your spouse’s behavior becomes the “T” in your own PTSD. If sympathy for Caleb is a little lacking, you can imagine what little understanding exists for Brannan.


Secondary traumatic stress has been documented in the spouses of veterans with PTSD from Vietnam. And the spouses of Israeli veterans with PTSD, and Dutch veterans with PTSD. In one study, the incidence of secondary trauma in wives of Croatian war vets with PTSD was 30 percent. In another study there, it was 39 percent. “Trauma is really not something that  happens to an individual,” says Robert Motta, a clinical psychologist and psychology professor at Hofstra University who wrote a few of the many medical-journal articles about secondary trauma in Vietnam vets’ families. “Trauma is a contagious disease; it affects everyone that has close contact with a traumatized person” in some form or another, to varying degrees and for different lengths of time. “Everyone” includes children. Which is something Brannan and Caleb lose not a little sleep over, since they’ve got a six-year-old in the house.

Katie Vines, the first time I meet her, is in trouble. Not that you’d know it to look at her, bounding up to the car, blondish bob flying as she sprints from her kindergarten class, nice round face like her daddy’s. No one’s the wiser until she cheerfully hands her mother a folder from the backseat she’s hopped into. It contains notes about the day from her teacher.

“It says here,” Brannan says, her eyes narrowing incredulously, “that you spit on somebody today.”

“Yes ma’am,” Katie admits, lowering her voice and her eyes guiltily.

“Katie Vines.” Brannan was born here in Alabama, so that’s drawled. “Wah did you do that?”

Her schoolmate said something mean. Maybe. Katie doesn’t sound sure, or like she remembers exactly. One thing she’s positive of: “She just made me…so. MAD.” Brannan asks Katie to name some of the alternatives. “Walk away, get the teacher, yes ma’am, no ma’am,” Katie dutifully responds to the prompts. She looks disappointed in herself. Her eyebrows are heavily creased when she shakes her head and says quietly again, “I was so mad.”


Brannan and Katie’s teacher have conferenced about Katie’s behavior many times. Brannan’s not surprised she’s picked up overreacting and yelling—you don’t have to be at the Vines residence for too long to hear Caleb hollering from his room, where he sometimes hides for 18, 20 hours at a time, and certainly not if you’re there during his nightmares, which Katie is. “She mirrors…she just mirrors” her dad’s behavior, Brannan says. She can’t get Katie to stop picking at the sores on her legs, sores she digs into her own skin with anxious little fingers. She is not, according to Brannan, “a normal, carefree six-year-old.”

Different studies of the children of American World War II, Korea, and Vietnam vets with PTSD have turned up different results: “45 percent” of kids in one small study “reported significant PTSD signs”; “83 percent reported elevated hostility scores.” Other studies have found a “higher rate of psychiatric treatment”; “more dysfunctional social and emotional behavior”; “difficulties in establishing and maintaining friendships.” The symptoms were similar to what those researchers had seen before, in perhaps the most analyzed and important population in the field of secondary traumatization: the children of Holocaust survivors.

But then in 2003, a team of Dutch and Israeli researchers meta-analyzed 31 of the papers on Holocaust survivors’ families, and concluded—to the fury of some clinicians—that when more rigorous controls were applied, there was no evidence for the intergenerational transmission of trauma.

I asked the lead scientist, Marinus van IJzendoorn of Leiden University, what might account for other studies’ finding of secondary trauma in vets’ spouses or kids. He said he’s never analyzed those studies, and wonders if the results would hold up to a meta-analysis. But: “Suppose that there is a second-generation effect in veterans, there are a few differences that are quite significant” from children of Holocaust survivors that “might account for difference in coping mechanisms and resources.” Holocaust survivors “had more resources and networks, wider family members and community to support them to adapt to their new circumstances after a war.” They were not, in other words, expected to man up and get over it.


We await the results of the 20-year, 10,000-family-strong study of impacts on Iraq and Afghanistan veterans’ kin, the largest of its kind ever conducted, that just got under way. Meanwhile, René Robichaux, social-work programs manager for US Army Medical Command, concedes that “in a family system, every member of that system is going to be impacted, most often in a negative way, by mental-health issues.” That was the impetus for the Marriage and Family Therapy Program, which since 2005 has added 70 therapists to military installations around the country. Mostly what the program provides is couples’ counseling. Children are “usually not” treated, but when necessary referred to child psychiatrists—of which the Army has 31. Meanwhile, the Child, Adolescent and Family Behavioral Health Office has trained hundreds of counselors in schools with Army children in and around bases to try to identify and treat coping and behavioral problems early on. “We’re better than we were,” Robichaux says. “But we still have a ways to go.”

Of course, the Army only helps families of active-duty personnel. It’s the Department of Veterans Affairs that’s charged with treating the problems that can persist long past discharge. But “if you asked the VA to treat your kids, they would think it was nonsense,” says Hofstra’s Motta.

When I asked the VA if the organization would treat kids for secondary trauma, its spokespeople stressed that it has made great strides in family services in recent years, rolling out its own program for couples’ counseling and parenting training. “Our goal is to make the parents the strongest parents they can be,” says Susan McCutcheon, national director for Family Services, Women’s Mental Health, and Military Sexual Trauma at the VA; according to Shirley Glynn, a VA clinical research psychologist who was also on the call, “for the vast majority of people with the secondary traumatization model, the most important way to help the family deal with things is to ensure that the veteran gets effective treatment.” In cases where children themselves need treatment, these VA officials recommended that parents find psychologists themselves, though they note “this is a good time [for the VA] to make partners with the community so we can make good referrals.” Or basically: “You’re on your own,” says Brannan.


Brannan sent Katie to the school therapist, once. She hasn’t seen any other therapist, or a therapist trained to deal with PTSD—Brannan knows what a difference that makes, since the volunteer therapist she tried briefly herself spent more time asking her to explain a “bad PTSD day” than how Caleb’s symptoms were affecting the family. When I visited, Katie was not covered by the VA under Caleb’s disability; actually, she wasn’t covered by any insurance at all half the time, since the Vineses aren’t poor enough for subsidized health care and the Blue Cross gap insurance maxes out at six months a year. She’s never been diagnosed with anything, and Brannan prefers it that way. “I’m not for taking her somewhere and getting her labeled. I’d rather work on it in softer ways,” like lots of talks about coping skills, and an art class where she can express her feelings, “until we have to. And I’m hoping we won’t have to.” Certainly she seems better than some other PTSD vets’ kids Brannan knows, who scream and sob and rock back and forth at the sound of a single loud noise, or who try to commit suicide even before they’re out of middle school. Caleb spends enough time worrying that he’s messing up his kid without a doctor saying so.

Brannan is a force of keeping her family together. She sleeps a maximum of five hours a night, keeps herself going with fast food and energy drinks, gets Katie to and from school and to tap dance and art, where Katie produces some startlingly impressive canvases, bright swirling shapes bisected by and intersected with other swaths of color, bold, intricate. That’s typical parent stuff, but Brannan also keeps Caleb on his regimen of 12 pills—antidepressants, anti-anxiety, sleep aids, pain meds, nerve meds, stomach meds—plus weekly therapy, and sometimes weekly physical therapy for a cartilage-lacking knee and the several disintegrating disks in his spine, products of the degenerative joint disease lots of guys are coming back with maybe from enduring all the bomb blasts, and speech therapy for the TBI, and continuing tests for a cyst in his chest and his 48-percent-functional lungs. She used the skills she learned as an assistant to a state Supreme Court justice and running a small newspaper to navigate Caleb’s maze of paperwork with the VA, and the paperwork for the bankruptcy they had to declare while they were waiting years for his disability benefits to come through. She also works for the VA now, essentially, having been—after a good deal more complicated paperwork, visits, and assessments—enrolled in its new caregiver program, which can pay spouses or other family members of disabled vets who have to take care of them full time, in Brannan’s case $400 a week.


At home after school, she makes Katie a pancake snack and then, while Katie shows me the website for a summer camp that teaches military spy skills, Brannan gets back to work. Because she also helps thousands of other people—measured by website and social-media interactions—through Family of a Vet, a nonprofit created “to help you find your way, find the information you need, and find a way not only to cope with life after combat…but to survive and thrive!” Brannan founded the organization in 2007, after panicked Googling led her to the website of Vietnam Veteran Wives (VVW) when Caleb returned from his second tour. Life after the first tour had been pretty normal. “Things were a little…off,” Caleb was edgy, distant, but he did not forget entire conversations minutes later, did not have to wait for a stable mental-health day and good moment between medication doses to be intimate with his wife, and then when he finally tried, pray to Christ for one of the times when it’s good sex, not one of the times when a car door slams outside and triggers him, or the emotion becomes so unbearable that he freezes, gets up, and walks wordlessly out the door.

All that didn’t happen until after the second tour. Brannan was in a terrible place, she says—until she talked to Danna Hughes, founder of VVW. Danna had been through much of the exact same turmoil, decades ago, and had opened a center to help get Vietnam vets benefits and educate their spouses and communities about their condition. “What choice do I have?” Brannan asks about running her own organization. “This is the only reason I am well. People care when you tell them. They just don’t know. They want to help and they want to understand, so I just have to keep going and educating.”


Today she’s fielding phone calls from a woman whose veteran son was committed to a non-VA psychiatric facility, but he doesn’t want to be at the facility because he, a severe-PTSD sufferer, was already paranoid before one of the other resident loons threatened to kill him, and anyway he fought for his fucking country and they promised they wouldn’t abandon him and he swears to God he will have to kill himself if the VA doesn’t put him in with the other soldiers. Another veteran’s wife calls from the parking lot of a diner to which she fled when her husband looked like he was going to boil over in rage. Another woman’s husband had a service dog die in the night, and the death smell in the morning triggered an episode she worries will end in him hurting himself or someone else if she doesn’t get him into a VA hospital, and the closest major clinic is four hours away and she is eight and a half months pregnant and got three hours of sleep, and the clinic’s website says its case manager position for veterans of Iraq or Afghanistan is currently unstaffed, anyway.

The phone never stops ringing. If it does for 14 seconds, Brannan writes an email to help get whatever someone needs, or publishes a blog post about her own struggles. Caleb was not amused the first time one of these posts went live. But now he’s glad she didn’t ask him his permission. “I’d have said no,” he tells me on the couch one day. It’s a brief emergence from his bedroom—he’s been “sleeping or hiding,” Brannan describes it, 20 or so hours a day for a few days. He leans forward to put his glass of orange juice on the table; it takes many, many long seconds for him to cover the few inches; today, like most days, he feels “like a damn train ran over me.” “But because of the feedback she got, I know that other people were going through the same shit I was. And she’s helping people.” His face softens. “She’s got a good heart. She’s always been like that. I’m glad she’s doing it,” he says again, and shrugs, because that’s the end of that story.

“Breathe,” Brannan says to nearly every woman who calls, though when I ask her if she follows her own advice, she says no. “If I stopped, and started breathing,” she says, “I would be too sad.”

So she doesn’t. If she’s not saving lives on the phone or blogging, she’s offering support via Facebook, where thousands of Family of a Vet users and nearly 500 FOV volunteers congregate and commiserate. “I am now more hypervigilant than my husband,” volunteer Kateri Peterson posts to her Facebook page, and people comment things like “I know that even if my husband is having a decent day I am still in that alert mode and he is asking me to please relax and for the life of me, as hard as I try, I just can’t, I am still on the lookout. I know people probably think I am nuts.” On a private Facebook group, Kateri tells the story of how her family was at Olive Garden when she started sobbing into her Zuppa Toscana. There was no visible reason for it. Just the general overwhelmingness of her distress, of that awful overstimulating hypervigilance, the sort of thing you develop sometimes when you live with someone who looks out the living room window for danger literally hundreds of times a day, or who goes from room to room, room to room, over and over to make sure everyone in each one is still alive. Kateri’s eight-year-old son now also counts the exits in new spaces he enters, points them out to his loved ones, keeps a mental map of them at the ready, until war or fire fails to break out, and everyone is safely back home.


It’s to help kids like that that Brannan and her volunteers put together an informational packet on secondary trauma for parents to give to teachers, explaining their battle-worthy idiosyncrasies and sensory-processing sensitivities. They’re common enough problems that the Department of Health and Human Services got in touch with Brannan about distributing the packet more widely.

Brannan gave the packet to Katie’s kindergarten teacher, but thinks the teacher just saw it as an excuse for bad behavior. Last fall, she switched Katie to a different school, where she hopes more understanding will lead to less anxiety. Though Brannan hopes Katie will come out of childhood healthy, she still says, “She’s not a normal kid. She does things, and says things. She’s a grown-up in a six-year-old’s body in a lot of ways.”

She certainly looks like a normal kid when she comes down from her room dressed for tap class. In a black leotard, pink tights, and shiny black tap shoes, she looks sweet as pie.

“One time, a bad guy in Iraq had a knife and my dad killed him,” she says, apropos of nothing.

Katie Vines.” Brannan is stern but impeccably patient. She doesn’t know why Katie adapted this story about confiscating a weapon from an insurgent into a story about bloodshed, but she isn’t too happy about it. That kind of small talk recently ruined a birthday party one of her classmates was having at Chick-fil-A. Brannan and Katie have a talk, again, about inappropriate conversation. Katie is sorry—God, is she sorry, you can see it in her face and guilty shoulders, but she seems to feel like she can’t help it. Sometimes, at bedtime, she asks her mom to pray with her that her teacher will like her. Once, she asked Brannan to take her to a hypnotist, so he could use his powers to turn her into a good girl.


By this point, you might be wondering, and possibly feeling guilty about wondering, why Brannan doesn’t just get divorced. And she would tell you openly that she’s thought about it. “Everyone has thought about it,” she says. And a lot of Kateri’s eight-year-old son now counts the exits in new spaces he enters, and points them out to his loved ones until war or fire fails to break out, and everyone is safely back home. In the wake of Vietnam, 38 percent of marriages failed within the first six months of a veteran’s return stateside; the divorce rate was twice as high for vets with PTSD as for those without. Vietnam vets with severe PTSD are 69 percent more likely to have their marriages fail than other vets. Army records also show that 65 percent of active-duty suicides, which now outpace combat deaths, are precipitated by broken relationships. And veterans, well, one of them dies by suicide every 80 minutes. But even ignoring that though vets make up 7 percent of the United States, they account for 20 percent of its suicides —or that children and teenagers of a parent who’s committed suicide are three times more likely to kill themselves, too—or a whole bunch of equally grim statistics, Brannan’s got her reasons for sticking it out with Caleb.

“I love him,” she says.

Brannan fully supports any wife—who feels that she or her children are in danger, or in an untenable mental-health environment, or for whatever reason—who decides to leave. She’s here, through Family of a Vet, to help those people. But she’s also there for those FOV users who, like her, have decided to stay. “I have enormous respect for Caleb,” she explains if you ask her why. “He has never stopped fighting for this family. Now, we’ve had little breaks from therapy, but he never stopped going to therapy. I love him,” she repeats, defensively at times.

He is her friend, and her first love, and her rock, and her lifeline, her blossoming young daughter’s father, her ally, and her hero, she tells Caleb when he asks. Because the person who most often asks Brannan why she stays with her husband is her husband.


The amount of progress in Caleb’s six years of therapy has been frustrating for everyone. But ultimately, says Alain Brunet, vice president of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies and director of the Traumatic Stress Laboratory at McGill University in Canada, “we have reason to be reasonably optimistic. Psychotherapy does work for typical PTSD.” The VA tends to favor cognitive-behavioral therapy and exposure therapy—whereby traumatic events are hashed out and rehashed until they become, theoretically, less consuming. Some state VA offices also offer group therapy. For severe cases, the agency offers inpatient programs, one of which Caleb resided in for three months in 2010. The VA also endorses eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR), which is based on the theory that memories of traumatic events are, in effect, improperly stored, and tries to refile them by discussing those memories while providing visual or auditory stimulus. “There’s a fairly strong consensus around CBT and EMDR,” Brunet says. While veterans are waiting for those to work, they’re often prescribed complicated antidepressant-based pharmacological cocktails.

To stay up to date on the latest advances in PTSD treatment, the VA collaborates with outside entities through its Intramural Research Program. Currently, the agency is funding 130 PTSD-related studies, from testing whether hypertension drugs might help to examining the effectiveness of meditation therapy, or providing veterans with trauma-sensitive service dogs, like Caleb’s. The Mental Health Research Portfolio manager says the organization is “highly concerned and highly supportive” of PTSD research.

But a lot of FOV members and users are impatient with the progress. Up until 2006, the VA was spending $9.9 million, just 2.5 percent of its medical and prosthetic research budget, on PTSD studies. In 2009, funding was upped to $24.5 million. But studies take a long time, and any resulting new directives take even longer to be implemented.


Meanwhile people like James Peterson, husband of Kateri of the Olive Garden breakdown, are signing up for experiments. James was so anxious and so suicidal that he couldn’t even muster the self-preservation to get into inpatient treatment. With three kids, eight, five, and two, and Kateri’s full-time job—as a VA nurse, actually—she could no longer manage his emotional plus physical problems: rheumatism consults, neuro consults for TBI, plus a burning rash on both feet he got in Fallujah in 2004. Chemical exposure, stress reaction, no one knows, but the skin cracks and opens up raw with lesions sometimes. Finally they enrolled him in a private clinical trial to get a needleful of anesthetic injected into a bundle of nerves at the top of his collarbone. Kateri writes me that just moments after the injection, he “went from balls-to-the-wall PTSD to BOOM chill.”

That’s when her symptoms got worse, precipitating another meltdown, this time at a steak house where she took him to celebrate his newfound calm. They’d “assumed the normal positions,” she with her back to the restaurant, he facing it so he could monitor everyone, and suddenly, a server dropped a tray out of her periphery, setting her circulatory system off at a million miles a minute. “He just ate his steak like nothing,” she says.

“When you’ve become hypervigilant, the place you are most functional is on the battlefield,” McGill’s Brunet explains. Caleb, despite his injuries and his admission that war was pretty excruciatingly awful, told me he wishes he could go back. Kateri, despite wishing her system hadn’t learned to run at a heightened state, at this point is like a drug addict, needing stimulation to maintain it. For the first time since Iraq, her husband felt at peace, and was able to enjoy a steak dinner with his wife. “He just sat there,” Kateri says. His normalcy “was so distressing to me that I wanted to stab him.”


There are trials where patients take MDMA (ecstasy’s active ingredient) while talking about trauma to promote more positive and less scary associations with the events. Animal trials where rats are lightly tortured and then injected with a protein that will stop the enzymes in their brains from being able to form memories of it. Some of the most interesting research involves beta-blockers, drugs that suppress the adrenaline response. In one small study, trauma victims given beta-blockers within six hours of the incident had a 40 percent less likelihood of developing PTSD. Brunet runs trials where patients take beta-blockers while talking about trauma so their reactions are weakened and then presumably lessened the next time it comes up, so far with promising results. But as of yet, “pharmacologically, there’s no magic bullet,” he says. And “we’re much less effective at treating more complex PTSD” with traditional therapy. “Treatment offered vets might be less effective than what’s offered to civilians with trauma. With veterans, there are important concomitant issues.”

Like traumatic brain injury. Researchers posit that TBI can make the brain more vulnerable to PTSD, or that it can exacerbate its symptoms of exhaustion, agitation, confusion, headaches. They’re not positive about that, or about whether TBI makes PTSD harder to treat. James Peterson’s post-injection chill-out wore off after a month, faster than it does for other patients—maybe because of his TBI. Maybe not. Either way, as for TBI, well, “there is no cure,” says David Hovda, director of UCLA’s Brain Injury Research Center and an adviser to the Department of Defense.


In 2009, it was Hovda who delivered the Pentagon the recommendation that because multiple concussions could cause serious long-term injury, concussions need time to heal. A fight ensued. Hovda says some of the Army’s best doctors implied that if soldiers were told they needed rest after concussions, it was going to usher in an epidemic of fakers, or retired guys claiming disability way after the fact. Although, the NFL was given the same memo in the 1990s, and brain damage in boxers is even older news, so it doesn’t seem like it would take a neuroscientist—or the top medical brass of an Army that builds laser cannons—to figure out that if 25 mph punches to the head cause brain damage, IED blasts that hit at 330 mph probably do too.

Eventually, Hovda’s cause prevailed. These days, there are MRIs in theater, assessments after blasts, mandatory rest periods after a concussion. But those reforms came seven years into the Iraq War, after Caleb and a million other soldiers were already home. When people ask Hovda if they’re gonna get better, he encourages them that they’re gonna get different. That they will never be the same—researchers “have tried hyperbaric oxygen, hundreds of clinical trials; we’re just failing miserably in trying to make a difference”—but that they should not panic. “There’s good rehabilitation strategies: learn what your deficits are, learn that you’re not going crazy, that you just can’t do what you used to do,” he says. “The human brain has an enormous amount of plasticity. New cells are born every day. New connections can be made. The good news is, teleologically speaking, if we didn’t have the ability to recover from brain injury, we’d have ended up as somebody’s breakfast.”


So tonight, six years after Caleb’s service ended, Brannan is cautiously optimistic but ready for anything on Lasagna Night. Early in the morning, she talked to their dog, Shilo, about it while she browned meat for Caleb’s favorite dish. “Daddy will be really happy,” she told the German shepherd sitting on her kitchen floor. “Of course, he’s too cranky to be happy about anything, and he’ll be mad because Katie won’t eat it because I spent all day makin’ it and the only thing she wants to eat right now is pancakes.” Later, she reminds me that Lasagna Night can come apart in an instant, if Caleb has a “bad PTSD moment.” These are supposed to be her easy months, she sighs, April and May and June, before the anniversaries of his worst firefights—many of them in Ramadi; a lot of bad things happened in Ramadi—exacerbate his flashbacks and nightmares. That’s usually September through January, the “really bad” months, whereas in the spring, she gets a bit of “vacation,” time to clean up the house and catch up on work, rest.

It’s April at the moment. But: “He’s processin’ somethin’ right now.”

She used to ask Caleb what was wrong, why he was coiled so tight and poisonous, screaming and yelling at everybody. That just agitated him more. Now, she lets it go, until eventually, after a couple of days or weeks of refusing to leave the house, or refusing to stay home and just disappearing outside, he comes to her. Haven’t you noticed I’m having a bad time? he’ll ask. And then she’ll just sit and listen while he says he cannot get it out of his head, about how if he had caught that fucking sniper, that enemy sniper he’d been trying to get, that’d been following them around, terrorizing their unit, if he’d have managed to kill him like he was supposed to, then the sniper wouldn’t have gotten off the shot that killed his buddy.


But here we’ve got lasagna, and salad with an array of dressing choices, and a store-bought frosted Bundt cake with chocolate chips in it! There is no dining-room table—when they bought the house years ago, they thought they’d finish it up real nice like they did with another house, before the war, but nobody’s up for that now, so we all huddle around the coffee table in the living room.

And it’s lovely. Dinner lasts for hours. Brannan tries to calm Katie down despite the excitement of the visitor at dinner, while Katie shows me games and drawings as we eat. Brannan and I make fun of Caleb for being three years older than us, so old, and Caleb makes jokes that it does indeed feel like he and Brannan have been married for-ever. The plates have been cleared by then, everyone reclining, he laughs when he says this, and she laughs, and swats at him from where she’s curled herself into hisarmpit with his arm around her.

At the front door, we all beam at each other in the warm way people do when they’re separating after a nice meal. Caleb is in such a good mood that Brannan asks if he’s up for putting Katie to bed so she can go lie down. Forty-five minutes later, he wakes her up screaming. Not two days after that, he tells her he’s leaving her. “I’m going to get it over with and do it so you don’t have to,” he says, because that’s just the way the scale goes that day, when he weighs the pain of being alone versus the pain of being a burden.


Way up north, and nearly as west as you can go, in Ferry County, Washington, there’s a little town with no stoplights by the name of Republic. There’s an abundance of parks and lakes and campgrounds—though I lose track of how many people warn me not to walk any unknown path for fear of trip wire and booby traps.

“Yeah,” a county commissioner says, squinting against the afternoon sun, speaking of the high proportion of Vietnam veterans who live here, “they wanted to get away from society. And for the most part, they’ve blended in really well.”

We’re standing together on the grounds of Vietnam Veteran Wives, where Danna Hughes, founder of VVW, inspirer and savior of Brannan Vines, is holding a fundraiser and tribute for our troops. Back in the ’90s, Danna served three counties and some 5,000 former soldiers via the center she founded, established nonprofit status for, and got the VA to recognize and reimburse. A 2000 VA budget crunch led to her clinic’s contract being terminated—and her husband’s disability pay ended when he killed himself in 2001. VVW now has more modest but no less determined facilities: a camouflage-painted mobile home planted among tree-dotted hills. Today, VVW is dedicating a new, second building, a log safe house open 24 hours a day so vets who feel themselves becoming episodic have someplace to go—it’s better than just driving to VVW’s parking lot and sleeping in their trucks. The closest VA hospital is 130 miles from here.

Between 200 and 300 people show up, a big turnout in a county of 7,500 spread over 2,000 square miles. Dressed in a patriotic red shirt and blue jeans, Danna smiles easy but moves pretty slow because she threw her back out  again. She tells me that VVW’s No. 1 priority has always been helping vets figure out how to get their benefits. “Money has to be first. You can’t breathe without it.” But it takes more than that. “She,” Danna says, meaning the wife—nearly all the vets around here are men—”NEEDS therapy.” Danna used to be in beauty pageants and it shows, in the subtly flirty but no-nonsense way she addresses everyone. But she knows how it feels to have your nervous system turn against you, and that it’s harder for veterans to get better if their spouses don’t get treated. Danna’s husband was checking into inpatient psych treatments for almost three weeks at a time, she says, only to come back to his now-crazy wife and “within three seconds” be re-exposed to someone in the emotional state that he was in when he left.

It may take years for the verdict to come in on whether secondary trauma will be officially acknowledged as its own unique form of hell. Meanwhile, Hofstra professor Motta says, while “a simple Google search [of the research] would tell you that the children of traumatized people have problems, the VA doesn’t wanna spend the money. Even with veterans, they try to say, ‘Well, you really had a preexisting condition.’ It would cost millions upon millions to treat the people affected. They just don’t want to foot the bill.”

Then again, the VA already is footing some $600 million worth of PTSD treatment for veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan** in 2013, via hundreds of medical centers and smaller outpatient clinics, plus 232 vet centers that offer general readjustment services. Caleb alone, just in disability checks, not even including any of his treatment or his numerous prescriptions, will cost the VA $1.7 million if he lives until he’s 80.


Charles Marmar, a New York University professor who was on the team of the National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study, the most comprehensive study of combat stress ever conducted, points out that you really have to spend the money to treat PTSD, since the costs of not treating it are so much higher. “Personal tragedy, suicide, depression, alcohol and drug use, reliving terror,” he rattles off as consequences. “Stress-related health problems—cardiovascular, immunologic. Heart attacks, stroke, and even dementia. Residential rehab programs, and motor vehicle accidents because people with PTSD self-medicate and crash cars; the cost of domestic violence; the cost of children and grandchildren of combat vets witnessing domestic violence. The treatment and compensation disability programs have cost billions. And the costs of the untreated are probably in the tens of billions. They’re enormous.” Police time, court costs, prison time for sick vets who came home to commit soldier-style shoot-’em-ups or plain desperate crimes. Lost wages. Nonprofit assistance, outreach, social services. There are an
estimated 100,000 homeless vets on the street on any given night.

Experts say it’s nearly impossible to calculate what treating PTSD from Vietnam has and will cost American taxpayers, so vast are its impacts. There were 2.4 million soldiers deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, and while no one is sure what PTSD among them will ultimately cost us, either, everyone agrees on one thing: If it’s not effectively treated, it won’t go away. When Caleb checked into his VA inpatient therapy in 2010, more than two-thirds of his fellow patients were veterans of Vietnam.

Vietnam vets still make up the bulk of Danna’s clients—though she is assisting traumatized men who served in World War II, in the early years of which half the medical disability discharges were psychiatric, and some of those men still show up at Danna’s office and cry, and cry, and cry. Many people at her fundraiser are saying that she saved their lives, kept them from killing themselves, kept them off the streets—or out of the woods, as it were, where she sometimes found vets living on earth floors under cardboard boxes.

“I don’t just get to see the bad stuff,” Danna says. “I get to see the good stuff too.”
By way of example, she introduces me to Steve Holt and Charlene Payton Holt. Steve served in Vietnam, fought in the Tet Offensive. The chaplain assured him that he shouldn’t feel bad about killing gooks, but the chaplain was paid by the Army, and who took moral advice from a chaplain carrying a .38? Back at home, Steve drank wildly. He waged war with his wife, attempted to work odd jobs where he had as little contact with humans as possible. But then he got divorced, and then he got with Charlene in 2001, and then he got in a big fight with Charlene and pulled the rifles out and sent her fleeing into the night, through the woods to the closest neighbor’s house a mile away. But then he got inpatient psychiatric treatment in Seattle, several times, and found Jesus, and only ever has a beer or two, and now you have never seen two people so in love in any double-wide in the United States.

“I knew who he could be,” Charlene says.


Who he is now is a handsome guy in his 60s with a white beard, big but well kept, who refers to his wife as “my bride” after nine years. Hanging around their trailer one day, I see them handle each other with immense patience, even when their computer takes forever to load and they can’t find the files they’re looking for because they’ve been crappily cataloged and it’s not clear whose fault that is. Charlene has long, graying dark hair parted down the middle and super-serious eyes, which she has to lower to compose herself for a minute when I ask her, alone, if she saved Steve’s life. “He loves me a lot,” she answers. “I’ve never known love like this. He is…awesome.”

These most recent years, Steve is funnier—after all, he’s not just any Carson; his dad and Johnny were first cousins—but it’s not all good days. Sometimes, Charlene says, “I can feel him slipping down—it’s like this…vortex, this hole. And I try to grab him, like, ‘No! Don’t go down there!’ He can still get really depressed.” And hypervigilant. He doesn’t like living on Five Cent Ranch Road, which runs through a decidedly vulnerable valley.

“She saved my life,” Steve says of Charlene, without my asking. Of the soldiers coming home with PTSD now, he says, “You need time. You need time, and perspective.” Decades after his service, the VA rated Steve at 100 percent PTSD disabled, but he’s found his way to his version of a joyful life. Although, he qualifies, he saw guys get thrown around in explosions the way Caleb got thrown around in explosions, but he can’t say how their lives turned out in the long run because in his war, with that less-advanced gear, those guys usually died.

Finally, Steve and Charlene find what they’re looking for on their computer: pictures of the land they bought nearby. Steve’s building an artist’s studio for Charlene on it, and eventually, hopefully, a house for the two of them. At the very top of a largely uninhabited hill, it will be hell—and sometimes impossible—to get down in winter because of the snow, but Steve doesn’t care, and wants to grow old with Charlene and die up there. At that elevation, with that vantage point, it’s one of the most defensible pieces of land in town.

In the Vines’ household in Alabama, at any unpredictable time of night, the nightmare starts in Iraq.

The desert sun is blinding, invasive; all eyes blink roughly with under-eyelid dust. It smells like blood, even before the shot slices through the Humvee and strikes Caleb in the chest. The vehicle stops, the other four guys get out, hollering, the rest of the unit firing their weapons, that awful echo at the end of an M16 round. Someone’s yelling for the medic and an indiscernible string of noises seeps out of Caleb’s mouth while he’s dying. He’s dying. He’s bleeding warm and fast, and he’s not going to make it.

“Our brains can do such odd things,” Brannan says after she wakes up, shaky, the next morning. “Still don’t get how I can so vividly dream of somewhere I’ve never actually been.”


People around her think she needs a break, needs to rest, to take care of herself. “I know I’m not responsible for all these people,” Brannan says. “But at the same time, nobody else is, either.” With a half million disability cases stuck in a VA backlog, and an estimated 25 percent of Iraq/Afghanistan troops with PTSD not seeking treatment, her logic isn’t entirely off. So she takes on the case of a family from Wisconsin who paid rent today, but has literally no money left. If they make an appointment at the VA and can’t get in for several weeks, how do they eat, they want to know, in the meantime? And the vet in New Jersey who didn’t register for his VA benefits inside the five-year window. His life didn’t fall apart until six years after his service, so when he walked into a VA emergency room asking for help to not kill himself, he was turned away until he could clear the requisite mountain of paperwork. And the vet who got fired from his job for being unstable and is now homeless, like 13,000 other vets under 30, who now lives with his wife and teenager in his car.

“In a perfect world, everyone would know and understand what my family is going through,” Brannan says. She’s convinced Caleb not to leave her, convinced him that she still wants to be married to him. Not for the first, and she doubts for the last, time. “We can reach a deeper love,” she says. “When you share this sort of thing with a person, and you make it through it, it’s a deeper love, really.”

“They will hang in there until the last dog is dead,” Danna told me of military spouses. She saw her husband through peripheral neuropathy, PTSD, prison, Agent Orange-linked disease, saw her son suffer living with a ball of anxiety and succumbing to drugs, and she doesn’t regret one day.

“If you love somebody, you stick with them,” she says, and there it is, naive, and beautiful, and impractically pure.

“The whole point of FOV is trying to give people hope,” Brannan says. “Give people the tools to not give up.” So when she finds some, she still takes to her blog and spreads it as wide as she can.

“Two nights ago,” she writes in one post, “I was doing my normal nightly running around like crazy to get laundry and school bags and lunches ready for the next day, when the hubby found me in the laundry room. To the sound of the running washing machine, the ‘thump, thump, thump’ of tennis shoes in the dryer, and the not so romantic smell of the kitty litter box, he held me for a moment and rocked me back and forth…and we danced. It lasted maybe 30 seconds…a brief moment in the middle of a chaotic day and a difficult week…but a brief moment that I’ve stored in my heart. A light in the darkness.”

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Claims- PitandThePendulum

Section 4

“Granted, diagnosing PTSD is a tricky thing.”

Definition Claim– since the claim being made is stated simply and in the first few words of the paragraph.

“But some spouses and loved ones suffer symptoms that are, as one medical journal puts it, “almost identical to PTSD except that indirect exposure to the traumatic event through close contact with the primary victim of trauma” is the catalyst. “

Factual Claim– since the claim being made has research behind it.

“Basically your spouse’s behavior becomes the “T” in your own PTSD. If sympathy for Caleb is a little lacking, you can imagine what little understanding exists for Brannan.”

Evaluative Claim– since the claim being stated involves judgement of the situation of military spouses.

Posted in Grade Please, Non-Portfolio Tasks, PitAndThePendulum, PTSD Claims | 1 Comment

Reflective- Fatjoe

Core Value 1. My work demonstrates that I used a variety of social and interactive practices that involve recursive stages of exploration, discovery, conceptualization, and development.

Going into this class, I was unsure if I was going to be able to find a topic that was counter intuitive enough. I ended with picking a topic with which I was already comfortable with because it had to do with sports, but I have realized that it would have been better to step out of my comfort zone. When I asked for feed back I was met by a plethora of critiques which I found very useful. Although the some of the criteria was difficult to work on, I still made revisions to the best of my ability. I was also able to find many different articles that could reach many different audiences. For example I found an article describing various types of performance enhancement drugs, and I found an article that talked about athletes and alcoholism in my white paper. I didn’t have to find articles that had to do with PED’s and mental health. I could use one article to only define what PED’s are, and use another article to define various mental health issues.

Core Value 2. My work demonstrates that I read critically, and that I placed texts into conversation with one another to create meaning by synthesizing ideas from various discourse communities. 

The ability to analyze texts and draw connections between them can showcase a writer’s ability to engage with different perspectives and contribute to larger conversations in their field. In my definition argument, I was able to link retirement to mental health issues by describing how they can lose the structure that they have been living with for so long, and much of a difficult transition that can be. Through extensive research, I’ve traced how various concepts and theories interconnect to create a comprehensive understanding of mental challenges faced by athletes. Also, close reading allowed me to understand the writer’s message and the nuances of their argument, while critical reading enabled me to evaluate the validity of their claims. By combining these two strategies, I was able to develop a more nuanced understanding of mental health in athletes and its impact on their performance.

Core Value 3. My work demonstrates that I rhetorically analyzed the purpose, audience, and contexts of my own writing and other texts and visual arguments.

In my purposeful summaries assignment, I was able to analyze the purpose and contexts of other texts. In this assignment I was able to evaluate and critique other sources by creating an argument against the articles, but also being flexible enough to create a solution at the same time. For example I critiqued Toms “Buy-one-give-one” program by saying that only the people in the areas that this program is trying to help know what is needed, and shoes might not be the answer. But I critiqued the article I was still able to propose a solution, saying that the program needs to work with the actual communities which would help them figure out what is actually needed. Being able to create a counterintuitive argument, and then finding a solution to the argument, shows my ability to adapt to an argument and be flexible enough to find a solution to the argument I created.

Core Value 4: My work demonstrates that I have met the expectations of academic writing by locating, evaluating, and incorporating illustrations and evidence to support my own ideas and interpretations.

After writing this paper, I can say that my work demonstrates my ability to meet the expectations of academic writing. Throughout the writing process, I spent a significant amount of time reading academic articles, books and other sources to gather evidence and support my arguments. I also made sure to evaluate each source carefully to ensure that it was credible, reliable and relevant to my topic. By incorporating a variety of evidence, I was able to provide a well-rounded and nuanced analysis of the issues surrounding mental health and athletes. Also when it came to citing sources, I made some little mistakes that I was able to fix. The main mistake that I made was introducing the quote and citing it, when all I had to do was introduce it. Also, I was able to find enough sources for the required number needed for each of the three short arguments.

Core Value 5. My work demonstrates that I respect my ethical responsibility to represent complex ideas fairly and to the sources of my information with appropriate citation. 

Throughout my research and writing process, I made concerted effort to ensure that I was accurately representing the viewpoints and arguments of all the sources I consulted. I recognized that it was crucial to provide appropriate citation to all my sources, whether they were academic articles, books, or online sources, to acknowledge their contribution to my work. By demonstrating my respect for ethical responsibility, I was able to strengthen the integrity of my research and credibility of my arguments. It is essential to give proper credit to the sources that inform our ideas. I understand that accurately representing complex ideas requires careful thought and analysis. In doing so, I have also gained a deeper appreciation for the value of ethical research practices and the critical role they play in producing high-quality academic work.

Posted in FatJoe, Portfolio FatJoe | Leave a comment

Reflective – Fulcrum66

Core Value 1. My work demonstrates that I used a variety of social and interactive practices that involve recursive stages of exploration, discovery, conceptualization, and development.

When finding information and sources for my research paper I definitely used aspects of this core value. Exploring different sources to find relevant information and then developing those ideas into my writing was something improved on this semester. In the past I have I have really struggled with relating evidence in sources to my writing and explaining how an aspect in my source is relevant to my paper. Using google scholar to find sources and even using our libraries databases really benefited me and I plan on using these platforms in the future with my research. This core value was demonstrated in my White Paper assignment. White Paper

Core Value 2. My work demonstrates that I read critically, and that I placed texts into conversation with one another to create meaning by synthesizing ideas from various discourse communities. 

Reading critically and creating meaning from my text was something that I struggled with in the beginning of the semester. Learning how think counterintuitively really opened my mind and changed the way I view new formation by questioning and understanding the values of what is being said. Our Stone Money assignment really showed me this by the main Idea of “Is money even real.” When the claim grabs your attention and you question it, you are able to look into it and see where the author of the claim’s mindset is and what their true intentions are when the produce that claim. Stone Money

Core Value 3. My work demonstrates that I rhetorically analyzed the purpose, audience, and contexts of my own writing and other texts and visual arguments.

Thinking rhetorically was something I learned last semester with explaining details clearly for your audience or whoever is reading your work. This semester I furthered my skills with the visual rhetoric assignment. The basis of this assignment clearly targets rhetorical thinking and thought process which allows you to think of every detail and explain it to your audience. One of the biggest lessons I learned was to clearly state what you’re explaining and to not create any lead off conclusions that stray away from what you want the readers to know. Visual Rhetoric

Core Value 4: My work demonstrates that I have met the expectations of academic writing by locating, evaluating, and incorporating illustrations and evidence to support my own ideas and interpretations.

This core value was demonstrated through my research paper assignment. Through the buildup of finding sources and creating short arguments, my research paper was born. The process of producing my paper was definitely a challenge, but learning how to organize my ideas and making my information clearer it made my processes easier. Linking my sources to the text was a little hard and especially when most of my sources were studies. With studies it is a little difficult finding an exact key point with most of the information being results and not definitions. By using the results of the studies, you can demonstrate what people are going through and explain how they got to a certain outcome. Using the results, you can implement them to your claims for supporting evidence. Research Paper

Core Value 5. My work demonstrates that I respect my ethical responsibility to represent complex ideas fairly and to the sources of my information with appropriate citation. 

I believe I demonstrated this core value in my Annotated Bibliography assignment. In this assignment I cited my sources with a link and described the background and how I used it in my writing. I think this assignment really helps you understand your sources better and you can relate to what the author has to say. Also, in any paper I wrote, creating a references citation page was common and formatting skills improved over the course of the semester. Annotated Bibliography

Posted in Fulcrum, Portfolio Fulcrum, Reflective SP23 | 1 Comment

Rebuttal Rewrite – Oatmealvibes

The Final Showdown:
Violent Video Games Are Not The Problem

As time goes by and more violent video games continue to be made, the research on how these violent video games affect the behavior and emotions of children is never-ending. I have found that many of the researched case studies fall short of their goal of trying to link violent adolescence to violent video games. I’ve looked at countless studies about violent video games and the aggression or violence that said video games “cause,” however; even the most famous studies that most of us cite are flawed.

The most popular suggestion on google scholar when looking up “violent video games cause violence in youth” is a study conducted by Craig A. Anderson and Brad J. Bushman at Iowa State University called Effects of Violent Video Games on Aggressive Behavior, Aggressive Cognition, Aggressive Affect, Physiological Arousal, and Prosocial Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Scientific Literature. Anderson and Bushman are two professors at Iowa State University in the psychology department. Their credentials are very credible as we would trust a professor from a university to have high knowledge of the subjects they talk about and the research they present to us. Anderson and Bushman start off their study by discussing three school shootings that happened around the time they wrote their article. They state that “the one positive result of these tragedies is the attention brought to the growing problem of video-game violence, from the newsroom to the U.S. Senate (2000).” They are using a highly emotional situation to lead us to secretly conclude that violent video games were the fault for why these shootings happened. They stated that the teens who committed these shootings were inspired by Doom, the teen’s favorite violent video game that involved shooting. However, that comparison is a biased exaggeration of the truth as their multiple reasons why a school shooting would happen, such as the shooter could have a mental illness or a problem with a student or staff member of the school. It was also never told the reason for the school shootings that the teens committed so we can not conclude a definite reason why the shootings happened. Anderson and Bushman then go on to state that video game companies are in denial about the harmful effects their games have but then a paragraph later saying that “there is one grain of truth in the industry’s denials. Specifically, the fact that some highly publicized school killings were committed by individuals who habitually played violent video games is not strong evidence that violent video games increase aggression.” Their opening few paragraphs even agree with the sentiment that it’s not enough evidence to convict violent video games as the source of increased aggression just because a few bad apples happen to play violent video games before doing a heinous crime like a school shooting.

The main focus of the study is to establish a link between violent movies and tv media aggression to violent video game aggression. Anderson and Bushman talk about 3 experiments that supposedly show links to violence after consuming violent media but we are never given actual figures of the supposed aggression level changes that Bushman and Anderson claim to find. They claim there is a model that shows how violent video games lead to aggression, “Situational input variables (e.g., recent exposure to violent media) influence aggressive behavior through their impact on the person’s present internal state, represented by cognitive, affective, and arousal variables. Violent media increase aggression by teaching observers how to aggress, by priming aggressive cognitions (including previously learned aggressive scripts and aggressive perceptual schemata), by increasing arousal, or by creating an aggressive affective state.” They tell us that by seeing aggression, we learn how to be aggressive. I have watched almost every single episode of Cobra Kai and I still have not learned how to karate chop someone or flip them onto their butts with a swooping leg kick, that is no different with violent video games. Millions of children and adults play violent video games and most of them never kill others, fight someone for no reason, or do aggressive behavior just for liking, playing, and watching violent media.

Anderson and Bushman start to end their study with what they call the key problems with violent video games. A question asked and answered by them was, “How can exposure to violent video games increase aggression? This question requires an examination of underlying processes, especially the three routes in the model: cognition, affect, and arousal. But only the cognitive route is specifically tied to the violent content of violent video games. Even nonviolent games can increase aggressive affect, perhaps by producing high levels of frustration.” We have all been there when playing a friendly game such as Mario Kart when suddenly Luigi who is ahead of you releases a banana peel and your character runs it over. You get frustrated because you’re desperately trying to catch up and win. Does that mean you’re aggressive because you’re frustrated and will do anything in the game such as take a shortcut or throw banana peels at the players in front of you so you’ll win? The answer is no. By trying to insinuate that almost any game can cause aggression is less about the game and more about the individual playing the same. Most of us have a normal reaction of just trying to catch back up to speed. Someone who is already violent would take their Nintendo Switch system and throw it at the wall because they’re a violent person, the video game did not make them that way.

Every study on this topic has its flaws. At the end of it all, there is no significant evidence that video games cause aggression or is the number one factor for aggression in adolescence. This false narrative has been a hot topic since violent video games first became popular and it’s time we stop looking at violent video games as the main culprit and start looking into the issues adolescents may have that are causing their violent behavior.


Anderson, Craig A., and Brad J. Bushman. “Effects of Violent Video Games on Aggressive Behavior, Aggressive Cognition, Aggressive Affect, Physiological Arousal, and Prosocial Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Scientific Literature.” Psychological Science, vol. 12, no. 5, 2001, pp. 353–359.,

Posted in OatmealVibes, Portfolio OatmealVibes | 3 Comments

Reflective – PhilsFan1133

Core Value 1. My work demonstrates that I used a variety of social and interactive practices that involve recursive stages of exploration, discovery, conceptualization, and development.

I recognize the importance of Core Value 1 in demonstrating that my work involved a variety of social and interactive practices that were recursive in nature, meaning that they involved stages of exploration, discovery, conceptualization, and development that were repeated and refined over time. To achieve this core value, I employed a rigorous research process that was designed to support my efforts at each stage of my project. This process involved a number of key activities, including conducting a thorough literature review to explore the existing research and going into Google Scholar to find different sources for my topic, which was referees fixing matches for their own gain. The white paper played a critical role in supporting my efforts to engage in a recursive process of exploration, discovery, conceptualization, and development. By drawing on a variety of social and interactive practices, and utilizing a range of research methods and tools, I was able to leverage the insights from the white paper and other sources to create a well-supported and well-rounded research project that effectively addressed the research question at hand.

Core Value 2. My work demonstrates that I read critically, and that I placed texts into conversation with one another to create meaning by synthesizing ideas from various discourse communities. 

Core Value 2 is crucial in demonstrating that I have the ability to read critically and synthesize ideas from various discourse communities. To achieve this core value, I employed a rigorous approach to reading and analysis that involved placing texts into conversation with one another in order to create new meaning and insights. This involved engaging with various texts, from academic articles and books to popular media and online resources. I approached each text with a critical eye, carefully evaluating the author’s arguments, assumptions, and evidence, and looking for connections and patterns across different texts. I even read a book on point-shaving, which I incorporated into my thinking process of what direction I could go in. I decided to go in a direction of point-shaving at end of games.

Core Value 3. My work demonstrates that I rhetorically analyzed the purpose, audience, and contexts of my own writing and other texts and visual arguments.

Core Value 3 is critical to demonstrating that I have the ability to rhetorically analyze the purpose, audience, and contexts of my own writing and other texts and visual arguments. To achieve this core value, I engaged in a rigorous process of analysis that involved examining the rhetorical strategies and techniques used by myself and others to achieve their goals. This process began by carefully considering the purpose of my own writing and identifying the intended audience and context. I then analyzed the language, tone, and structure of my writing to ensure that it effectively communicated my message and resonated with my intended audience. Similarly, I engaged in a thorough analysis of other texts and visual arguments, examining the ways in which they employed rhetorical strategies to achieve their intended goals. This involved considering the author’s use of language, imagery, and other persuasive techniques, as well as their intended audience and the broader cultural and historical contexts in which the text was produced. This was shown in my Purposeful Summaries, trying to pick apart the article and put the most important things into my work.

Core Value 4: My work demonstrates that I have met the expectations of academic writing by locating, evaluating, and incorporating illustrations and evidence to support my own ideas and interpretations.

Core Value 4 is critical to demonstrating that I have the ability to meet the expectations of academic writing by locating, evaluating, and incorporating illustrations and evidence to support my own ideas and interpretations. To achieve this core value, I engaged in a rigorous process of research and analysis that involved identifying and evaluating relevant sources of evidence and illustrations to support my arguments and interpretations. This process began with a thorough review of literature and resources related to sports betting and policies, including academic journal articles, books, and other relevant sources. I then carefully evaluated each source, considering the author’s credibility, the relevance of the information to my own research question, and the quality of the evidence presented. Once I had identified relevant sources of evidence and illustrations, I carefully incorporated them into my own writing in a way that effectively supported my arguments and interpretations. This involved selecting the most relevant and compelling evidence, integrating them smoothly into my own writing, and properly citing them in accordance with the expectations of academic writing. I do think I could’ve done better but tried to the best of my ability to find sources related to prove my hypothesis.

Core Value 5. My work demonstrates that I respect my ethical responsibility to represent complex ideas fairly and to the sources of my information with appropriate citation. 

Core Value 5 is essential to demonstrating that I have a deep respect for my ethical responsibility to represent complex ideas fairly and to attribute the sources of my information with appropriate citations. To achieve this core value, I engaged in a careful process of research, analysis, and citation that involved carefully evaluating and attributing all sources of information used in my work. This process began by carefully considering the ethical implications of representing complex ideas fairly and accurately. I ensured that I fully understood the ideas and arguments of the sources that I used and that I accurately represented them in my own work without misrepresenting or distorting their meaning. I also made sure that I properly cited all sources of information used in my work in accordance with the appropriate citation style. This involved carefully documenting all sources of information used, including the author, title, date, and other relevant information, and citing them accurately and consistently throughout my work. I do realize I slacked off towards the later end of the semester due to things going on in my life that were quite serious. I do wish to do better with communicating in the future but thank you for giving me a chance.

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Bibliography – PhilsFan1133

Borghesi, R., & Dare, W. (2009). A test of the widespread-point-shaving theory. Finance Research Letters, 6(3), 115-121. 10.1016/

Background: The article “A test of the widespread-point-shaving theory” presents a study that examines the theory of widespread point-shaving in sports. The authors, Borghesi and Dare, use statistical analysis to test the hypothesis that point-shaving is a widespread problem in college basketball. The study finds that while there are isolated incidents of point-shaving, there is no evidence to support the theory that point-shaving is a widespread problem in college basketball. The study provides valuable insights into the prevalence of point-shaving in sports and the potential impact of such activity on the integrity of the game.

How I used it: I used the study presented in this article to provide evidence for or against the theory of widespread point-shaving in sports, depending on the context and specific question being asked. The findings of the study could also be used to inform discussions on the prevalence and impact of point-shaving in sports, as well as potential interventions to prevent or address it.

Major League Baseball. (n.d.). MLB’s Policy on Gambling. Retrieved April 24, 2023, from

Background: Major League Baseball (MLB) is a professional baseball organization and the oldest of the major professional sports leagues in the United States and Canada. The league is composed of 30 teams in the United States and Canada and is divided into two leagues: the American League (AL) and the National League (NL). The MLB is responsible for setting policies and regulations to govern the conduct of its players, coaches, and other personnel. Its policy on gambling is an important aspect of maintaining the integrity of the league and ensuring that its games are not compromised by outside influences.

How I used it: This source provides information on Major League Baseball’s policy on gambling, which is an important aspect of the topic of gambling and sports integrity. It outlines the league’s rules and regulations related to gambling and highlights the consequences for violating these policies. This information can be useful in understanding how a major sports league like MLB is working to maintain the integrity of its games and protect against potential corruption related to gambling.

National Basketball Association. (n.d.). NBA Anti-Gambling Policy. Retrieved April 24, 2023, from

Background: The National Basketball Association (NBA) Anti-Gambling Policy is a set of rules and regulations designed to prevent gambling and other related activities that could compromise the integrity of the league. The policy applies to all NBA personnel, including players, coaches, team owners, league officials, and referees. The NBA has been very proactive in addressing issues related to gambling and has taken several steps to protect the integrity of its games, including partnering with sports betting companies to promote responsible gambling and establishing a confidential hotline for reporting any suspected violations of the policy. The NBA’s anti-gambling policy is an important source of information for understanding how professional sports leagues address the issue of gambling and maintain the integrity of their games.

How I used it: This source provides information on the NBA’s anti-gambling policy. I used it to gather information on the NBA’s policies and regulations regarding sports betting and gambling and to gain insight into the league’s stance on maintaining integrity in their games.

NCAA. (2022). NCAA sports wagering.

Background: The NCAA is a major governing body for college sports in the United States and their policies on sports wagering are important in understanding the rules and regulations surrounding gambling in college sports. This source was used to provide information on the NCAA’s policy on sports wagering, which includes strict regulations and penalties for student-athletes, coaches, and athletic staff who engage in gambling activities. Additionally, the NCAA provides resources for education and awareness on sports wagering to prevent potential violations of their policies.

How I used it: I used this source to gain information about the NCAA’s policy on sports wagering. The source provides a clear and concise overview of the policy, including the prohibition of sports wagering by student-athletes, coaches, and athletic department staff, as well as the potential consequences of violating the policy. This information was useful in understanding the NCAA’s stance on sports wagering and its efforts to maintain the integrity of college athletics.

Purdum, David (2021, September 22). Explaining point-shaving in sports.

Background: The article provides an overview of point-shaving in sports, which is the practice of deliberately losing a game or not winning by as many points as possible to manipulate the point spread and benefit those who bet on the outcome of the game. Purdum explains how point-shaving works, the potential consequences for those involved, and the measures that sports leagues and law enforcement agencies have put in place to prevent and detect point-shaving. The article draws on interviews with experts in the field and real-world examples of point-shaving scandals in various sports.

How I used it: I included this source because it provides an explanation of point-shaving, which is a form of game-fixing that involves players deliberately trying to manipulate the score of a game in order to ensure that it falls within a specific point spread. The article also discusses the potential impact of point-shaving on the integrity of sports and the steps that leagues take to prevent it. This information is relevant to understanding the issue of sports integrity and how it is addressed in the sports industry.

The National Law Review. (2019). What Professional Sports Leagues are Doing to Prevent Game-Fixing and Betting-Related Corruption.

Background: The National Law Review is a legal news and analysis website that covers various topics, including sports law. In 2019, the website published an article titled “What Professional Sports Leagues are Doing to Prevent Game-Fixing and Betting-Related Corruption.” The article provides an overview of the measures that professional sports leagues in the United States, including the NFL, NBA, and MLB, have taken to prevent game-fixing and betting-related corruption.

How I used it: I used this source to gain an understanding of the actions that professional sports leagues are taking to address the issue of corruption in sports. The article highlights the various policies and procedures that these leagues have implemented, such as background checks, training programs, and the establishment of integrity units. The article also discusses the challenges that these leagues face in preventing corruption, such as the rise of online betting and the need for greater collaboration between leagues and law enforcement agencies. This source is valuable because it provides an overview of the steps being taken by professional sports leagues to address the issue of corruption, which is important in understanding the current state of efforts to promote integrity in sports.

National Football League. (2021). NFL’s Commitment to Integrity of the Game.

Background: The National Football League (NFL) is one of the most popular and influential professional sports leagues in the world. As such, it has a responsibility to maintain the integrity of the game and prevent any actions that might compromise it. The NFL’s “Commitment to Integrity of the Game” is a document that outlines the league’s policies and procedures for ensuring the integrity of the game.

How I used it: I used this source to gain insight into the measures that the NFL has taken to ensure the integrity of its games. The document outlines the various steps that the league has taken, including the establishment of a confidential hotline for reporting suspected violations, the use of advanced technology to detect irregularities, and collaboration with law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute any illegal activities. This source is valuable because it provides information on the specific measures that the NFL has taken to protect the integrity of its games and shows the league’s commitment to maintaining fair and honest competition.

Transparency International UK. (2013). Sports Betting and Corruption: The Threat to the Integrity of Sport.

Background: Transparency International is a global organization that is dedicated to promoting transparency and accountability in various areas of society, including sports. The organization’s UK chapter published a report titled “Sports Betting and Corruption: The Threat to the Integrity of Sport” in 2013. The report examines the threat that corruption in sports betting poses to the integrity of sports and highlights the need for measures to address the problem.

How I used it: I used this source to gain an understanding of the ways in which corruption in sports betting can undermine the integrity of sports. The report provides detailed information on the various forms of corruption that can occur, such as match-fixing, spot-fixing, and insider trading, and the impact that they can have on the credibility of sports. The report also discusses the regulatory frameworks that exist in various countries and provides recommendations for improving them. This source is valuable because it highlights the importance of addressing the issue of corruption in sports betting and provides a comprehensive analysis of the problem.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2014). Preventing Corruption in Sport: Enhancing the Role of Governments.

Background: The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s report titled “Preventing Corruption in Sport: Enhancing the Role of Governments” provides a comprehensive overview of the role of governments in preventing corruption in sports. The report examines the various forms of corruption that can occur in sports, including match-fixing, doping, and bribery, and outlines the ways in which governments can work to prevent these activities.

How I used this: I used this source to gain a broader understanding of the role of governments in preventing corruption in sports. The report provides a detailed overview of the various strategies that governments can use to combat corruption in sports, including legislative and regulatory measures, law enforcement and prosecution, and international cooperation. The source is particularly valuable because it highlights the importance of collaboration between governments, sports organizations, and other stakeholders in preventing corruption in sports. Overall, this source was helpful in providing context for the various ways in which governments can work to prevent corruption in sports and the challenges involved in doing so.

University of Louisville. (2016, November 15). Study finds student-athletes from disadvantaged backgrounds more likely to cheat. ScienceDaily.

Background: The University of Louisville study referenced in ScienceDaily’s article titled “Study finds student-athletes from disadvantaged backgrounds more likely to cheat” examines the relationship between socioeconomic status and cheating among student-athletes. The study found that student-athletes from disadvantaged backgrounds were more likely to engage in academic misconduct, such as plagiarism and cheating on exams, than their more affluent peers.

How I used it: I used this source to gain a deeper understanding of the factors that contribute to cheating among student-athletes. The study’s findings provide insight into the role that socioeconomic status plays in academic misconduct, suggesting that students from disadvantaged backgrounds may be more likely to cheat due to a lack of access to resources and support. The article’s focus on the academic side of cheating is also significant since academic misconduct and ethical violations in sports often go hand in hand. Overall, this source was helpful in providing context for the potential social and economic factors that contribute to cheating among student-athletes.

Wolfers, J. (2006, January 22). Cheating by the Book. The New York Times.

Background: Wolfers’ article “Cheating by the Book” in The New York Times offers an overview of cheating in sports and its impact. The article discusses various forms of cheating in sports, including doping, match-fixing, and point-shaving, and the consequences of these actions. It explores the various factors that contribute to cheating in sports, including the pressures of competition, financial incentives, and the culture of winning at all costs.

How I used it: I used this source to gain a broader understanding of cheating in sports and its impact. The article provided me with an overview of the various forms of cheating that take place in sports and the potential consequences of these actions. It also offered insight into the factors that contribute to cheating and how they can be addressed. The article was particularly useful in providing a broader context for understanding the impact of cheating on sports, both in terms of its impact on the integrity of the game and its broader social and cultural implications.

Wolohan, J. T. (2009). Sports betting in the United States. The International Sports Law Journal, (3-4), 124+. – This source examines the state of sports betting in the United States.

Background: Wolohan’s article on sports betting in the United States provided me with background information on the legal status of sports betting in the country. The article explored the history of sports betting, including the passage of the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA) and its impact on sports betting. It also examined the potential economic benefits of legalized sports betting and discussed the legal challenges that have arisen in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn PASPA in 2018.

How I used it: This source was useful in helping me to understand the legal and regulatory landscape of sports betting in the United States, as well as the potential implications of its legalization. It provided me with a comprehensive overview of the history of sports betting in the country and the various legal and regulatory challenges that have arisen in the wake of recent developments in the industry.

Posted in Bibliography, Portfolio PhilsFan | 1 Comment

Research – PhilsFan

Needs a Flippin’ Title!

Refs manipulate sports outcomes for their own benefit. Yes, it sounds crazy, but I firmly believe over the course of years have referees done this. Sports betting has become increasingly accessible in recent years with the rise of online platforms, allowing people to place wagers on sporting events from the comfort of their own homes. While this has undoubtedly increased the excitement and entertainment value of sports, it has also led to concerns about the potential for match-fixing and the manipulation of sporting events for financial gain. Recent scandals involving referees and players conspiring to influence the outcome of games have highlighted the need for increased vigilance and regulation in the sports betting industry. The question of how to effectively address this problem has become a pressing issue for sports organizations and governments around the world.

In an article titled “Sports Betting in the United States,” author John Wolohan SAYS that sports betting has a long history in the United States, with gambling on sporting events dating back to the early1900s. Sports betting has become more prevalent in recent years, particularly with the rise of online sportsbooks. Unfortunately, this increase in betting activity has also led to a rise in instances of players and referees manipulating game outcomes for financial gain, known as point-shaving.

However, the legality of sports betting in the United States has been a contentious issue. In 1992, the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA) was passed, which prohibited sports betting in all states except for Nevada, Oregon, Delaware, and Montana. This law remained in effect until 2018, when the Supreme Court struck down PASPA, ruling that it violated the Tenth Amendment.

Since then, several states have legalized sports betting, including New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Mississippi, with many more states expected to follow suit. The legalization of sports betting has led to increased scrutiny of the industry, particularly with regard to potential match-fixing and corruption.

There have been numerous instances of match-fixing and corruption in US sports, particularly in college sports. In 1951, the infamous CCNY point-shaving scandal rocked college basketball, with several players and gamblers being arrested for conspiring to fix games. Since then, there have been numerous other instances of match-fixing in college sports, as well as in professional sports.

At the college level, sports betting is particularly problematic. Many college athletes are not paid for their participation in sports, and as a result, they may be more susceptible to the temptation of making money by manipulating game outcomes. Additionally, college referees may be more easily swayed by bribes or other incentives, as they are often not professional officials with established careers and salaries.

One of the most common forms of game manipulation in college sports is point shaving. Point shaving occurs when a player intentionally misses shots or commits turnovers in order to keep the score of the game closer than it would be otherwise. This allows bettors who have placed bets on the underdog to win their wagers, even if the underdog does not actually win the game. Referees can also engage in point-shaving by making calls that favor one team over the other, thus affecting the outcome of the game.

In recent years, there have been growing concerns about the integrity of professional sports, particularly in regard to sports officials and referees. It is believed that these individuals, who have the power to influence the outcomes of sporting events, maybe manipulate games for their own financial gain. This problem is not just limited to professional leagues, but also extends to college sports, as evidenced by a study conducted by Justin Wolfers in an article and study named A Test of the Widespread-Point-Shaving Theory.

In his study, Wolfers examined data to determine the prevalence of point shaving in NCAA basketball. Point shaving is a form of sports betting in which a player or players deliberately underperform in a game in order to affect the final score and ensure that the point spread is met. This allows bettors to win their bets even if the team they wagered on did not win the game outright. Wolfers found that strong favorites, who were previously believed to be the most likely candidates to engage in point shaving, may actually be the least likely. He proposed that a shift in coaching strategy late in blowout games explains the anomalous bet outcome distribution patterns. In other words, coaches may choose to pull their star players out of the game and give playing time to their bench players to avoid injury or fatigue, which can lead to lower point differentials and a failure to cover the spread.

Despite this explanation, Wolfers suggests that widespread point shaving still causes the phenomenon of favorites in NCAA basketball winning but failing to cover the spread at a rate significantly greater than expected. In fact, he found that players on the strongest favorites appear to be the least likely to have fixed prior games. This could be due to the fact that these players have less incentive to participate in point shaving since their teams are already heavily favored to win.

While Wolfers’ study focuses specifically on NCAA basketball, it highlights a broader issue within the world of sports – the potential for individuals to manipulate games for their own financial gain. Sports officials and referees hold a great deal of power and influence over the outcomes of games, and if they are found to be engaging in unethical behavior, it can have serious consequences for the integrity of the sport.

the issue of sports officials and referees manipulating the outcomes of professional sporting events for their own financial gain is a complex and multifaceted one. The prevalence of point-shaving in college basketball, as well as instances of match-fixing and corruption in professional sports, highlights the need for increased oversight and transparency in the sports industry. At the heart of this problem lies the rise of online sports betting, which has exploded in popularity over the past decade. As millions of people place bets on games and matches every day, the lure of financial gain can be too great for some officials and players to resist, leading to unfair outcomes and a loss of trust from fans.

It is clear that the growth of the online gambling industry has had a direct impact on the incidence of point shaving in sports. This practice has been prevalent in American sports for decades, with several high-profile cases surfacing over the years. While there are various factors that drive athletes to engage in point shaving, one of the most significant is the rise of online sports betting. According to a report by Grand View Research, the global online gambling market size was valued at USD 53.7 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.5% from 2020 to 2027. As sports betting continues to grow in popularity and legality, it is crucial that steps are taken to ensure the integrity of sporting events and prevent any unethical practices from taking place.

Therefore, it is important to increase oversight and transparency in the sports industry and to take steps to ensure the integrity of sporting events. Only then can we ensure that the sports we love remain a fair and honest competition. The need for increased regulation is clear, as the stakes are high and the potential for corruption is significant. By taking proactive measures to address these issues, we can help to safeguard the integrity of professional sports and protect the interests of fans and athletes alike.

One of the main reasons why online betting has contributed to the rise of point shaving is the ease with which bets can be placed on individual games and the availability of real-time updates on the betting market. With the advent of online sportsbooks and mobile betting apps, anyone with an internet connection can place a bet on a game from anywhere in the world. This has led to a massive increase in the volume of bets being placed on games and matches, and consequently, a rise in the size of the gambling market.

As the size of the gambling market has grown, so too has the amount of money being wagered on point spreads. A point spread is a handicap placed on the team that is considered the favorite to win a game, in order to level the playing field and make betting more attractive. For example, if the Boston Celtics are playing the New York Knicks and are favored to win by 10 points, the point spread would be set at 10 points. Bettors who place a bet on the Celtics would only win if they win by more than 10 points, while those who bet on the Knicks would win if the Knicks lose by less than 10 points or win outright.

This is where point shaving comes in. Athletes who are willing to engage in point shaving can deliberately underperform in a game, thereby allowing their opponents to keep the score within the point spread. This benefits the athletes who have bet on the underdog, as well as the corrupt bettors who have offered them incentives to shave points. In this way, point shaving allows both athletes and bettors to profit from the game, at the expense of the integrity of the sport.

It is important to note that not all athletes are susceptible to point shaving. For an athlete to be a likely candidate for corruption, they must have the ability to alter the final score by enough to keep it within the point spread, without altering the outcome of the game. This typically requires a high degree of skill and control over the game, as well as a willingness to engage in unethical behavior. Athletes who are struggling with financial or personal issues may be more susceptible to these pressures, making them more likely to engage in point shaving.

The causal connection between online betting and point shaving is not a new one. In fact, it has been a topic of debate among sports analysts and researchers for years. A study conducted by economists David Forrest and Ian McHale at the University of Liverpool found that the increased availability of online betting markets was associated with a higher incidence of match-fixing in soccer. Similarly, a report by the International Centre for Sport Security found that online betting was one of the main drivers of sports corruption worldwide.

The rise of online sports betting has increased the likelihood of point shaving, where athletes intentionally alter the score of a game without altering the outcome in order to manipulate the point spread and win bets. This unethical behavior can lead to serious consequences, including legal charges and a tarnished reputation for the athlete and their team. In addition, point shaving can also have a negative impact on the integrity of the sport and the trust that fans have in the game.

To combat this issue, sports leagues and organizations have implemented strict regulations and monitoring systems to prevent point shaving and ensure fair play. These measures include increased scrutiny of athletes and their financial transactions, as well as the use of advanced analytics to detect any unusual betting patterns or changes in-game behavior.

While measures have been put in place to combat point shaving and other forms of sports betting-related corruption, these efforts can only go so far. With the widespread availability of online sports betting platforms, it has become increasingly difficult to monitor and regulate betting activity. Moreover, as technology advances, so do the methods and tools used by those seeking to manipulate sports events for financial gain.

To address these challenges, sports organizations must remain vigilant and continue to adapt their strategies to effectively combat the latest threats. This may involve investing in more advanced monitoring technologies and working with law enforcement agencies to identify and prosecute those engaged in illegal activity. It may also involve collaborating with online sports betting companies to ensure that their platforms are secure and free from manipulation.

In addition, education and awareness campaigns can play a vital role in preventing athletes from falling prey to the temptations of illegal sports betting. By providing athletes with a clear understanding of the dangers and consequences of participating in such activities, sports organizations can help to deter them from engaging in behaviors that could compromise the integrity of the sport.

In the world of sports, upholding the integrity of the game should always be the top priority. It is the responsibility of athletes, coaches, and sports organizations to prioritize fair play over personal gain, and to ensure that their actions reflect this commitment to integrity. While online sports betting may offer new opportunities for fans to engage with their favorite sports, it is crucial to recognize the potential risks and take steps to prevent unethical behavior from tarnishing the sport.

Sports betting has a long history, with people placing wagers on the outcomes of sporting events for centuries. The rise of online sports betting has made it easier than ever for people to place bets on their favorite teams and athletes. However, this growth in popularity has also led to a darker side of the industry: the potential for referees and players to manipulate the outcomes of games for their own financial gain.

To combat this problem, it is important for sports organizations to implement strict oversight and regulation of sports betting activities, as well as education programs for athletes and coaches on the dangers of unethical behavior. Additionally, fans have a role to play in upholding the integrity of the game, by speaking out against suspicious behavior and reporting any suspected instances of corruption.

The responsibility for upholding the integrity of the game lies with all stakeholders in the sports industry. By prioritizing fair play and taking proactive steps to prevent unethical behavior, we can ensure that the sports we love remain a fair and honest competition, and that fans can continue to engage with their favorite teams and athletes without fear of corruption or manipulation.

The issue of game manipulation in sports is not a new one, and it has been a concern for many years. As far back as the early 1900s, there were reports of games being fixed or manipulated for financial gain. In the 1950s, the infamous CCNY point-shaving scandal rocked college basketball, with several players and gamblers being arrested for conspiring to fix games. Since then, there have been numerous other instances of match-fixing and game manipulation in both college and professional sports.

One of the most common forms of game manipulation in sports is point shaving. Point shaving occurs when a player intentionally misses shots or commits turnovers in order to keep the score of the game closer than it would be otherwise. This allows bettors who have placed bets on the underdog to win their wagers, even if the underdog does not actually win the game. Referees can also engage in point-shaving by making calls that favor one team over the other, thus affecting the outcome of the game.

The potential for game manipulation in sports has only increased with the rise of online sports betting. The ability to place bets from anywhere in the world has made it easier for individuals to place large wagers on games and manipulate outcomes for their own financial gain. The anonymity of online betting also makes it more difficult to detect instances of game manipulation, as individuals can hide their identities and locations.

While game manipulation is a serious issue, it is important to note that the majority of athletes, coaches, and officials are ethical and do not engage in these practices. However, even a few instances of game manipulation can have serious consequences for the integrity of the sport and can lead to a loss of trust from fans.

The legality of sports betting in the United States has been a contentious issue for many years. In 1992, the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA) was passed, which prohibited sports betting in all states except for Nevada, Oregon, Delaware, and Montana. This law remained in effect until 2018, when the Supreme Court struck down PASPA, ruling that it violated the Tenth Amendment.

Since the Supreme Court’s decision, several states have legalized sports betting, including New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Mississippi, with many more states expected to follow suit. The legalization of sports betting has led to increased scrutiny of the industry, particularly with regard to potential match-fixing and corruption.

One organization that is working to combat game manipulation in sports is the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The IOC has a number of measures in place to prevent match-fixing and game manipulation in Olympic events. These measures include a code of conduct for athletes, coaches, and officials, education programs for athletes and officials, and the establishment of an integrity hotline for reporting suspicious activity.

The National Basketball Association (NBA) is one of the major professional sports leagues in the United States and has taken significant steps to prevent game manipulation. The NBA’s program to prevent game manipulation involves educating players, coaches, and officials about the dangers of these practices, and implementing a system for reporting suspicious activity and investigating potential instances of game manipulation. The NBA also works closely with law enforcement agencies to investigate allegations of game manipulation.

The NBA’s program to prevent game manipulation includes a set of rules and policies that outline the prohibited activities, including intentionally losing games, tampering with equipment, and participating in illegal gambling activities. The league also has a code of conduct for players, coaches, and officials, which outlines the expected behavior and the consequences for violating the rules.

Moreover, the NBA has an independent agency called “NBA Security” responsible for investigating allegations of game manipulation. NBA Security comprises a team of former law enforcement officials and intelligence analysts who work closely with local and federal law enforcement agencies to investigate suspicious activity. This agency has a hotline where individuals can report any concerns or suspicions they have about game manipulation. NBA Security also reviews the betting patterns of all games and keeps a close eye on the behavior of players, coaches, and officials.

To further prevent game manipulation, the NBA has partnered with organizations such as the National Council on Problem Gambling and the International Center for Sport Security. These partnerships allow the NBA to access additional resources and expertise to address the issue of game manipulation.

Similarly, Major League Baseball (MLB) has implemented measures to prevent game manipulation, including background checks on all employees and a hotline for reporting suspicious behavior. The MLB also works closely with law enforcement agencies to investigate potential instances of game manipulation.

The National Football League (NFL) has also taken steps to prevent game manipulation, including implementing a strict code of conduct for players, coaches, and officials, and working with law enforcement agencies to detect and prevent any attempts at game-fixing or betting-related corruption.

In addition to these measures, the NFL has also established partnerships with organizations such as the International Center for Sport Security and the United States Anti-Doping Agency to help monitor and prevent any potential threats to the integrity of the sport.

In conclusion, the rise of online sports betting has brought new opportunities for fans to engage with their favorite sports, but it has also created a darker side to the industry. The potential for referees and players to manipulate the outcomes of games for financial gain highlights the need for increased oversight and regulation of sports betting activities. Upholding the integrity of the game should always be the top priority, and it is the responsibility of athletes, coaches, sports organizations, and fans to ensure that fair play is prioritized over personal gain. By taking proactive steps to prevent unethical behavior, we can ensure that the sports we love remain a fair and honest competition and that fans can continue to enjoy them without fear of corruption or manipulation.


Borghesi, R., & Dare, W. (2009). A test of the widespread-point-shaving theory. Finance Research Letters, 6(3), 115-121. 10.1016/

Major League Baseball. (n.d.). MLB’s Policy on Gambling. Retrieved April 24, 2023, from

National Basketball Association. (n.d.). NBA Anti-Gambling Policy. Retrieved April 24, 2023, from

NCAA. (2022). NCAA sports wagering.

Purdum, David (2021, September 22). Explaining point-shaving in sports.

The National Law Review. (2019). What Professional Sports Leagues are Doing to Prevent Game-Fixing and Betting-Related Corruption.

Transparency International UK. (2013). Sports Betting and Corruption: The Threat to the Integrity of Sport.National Football League. (2021). NFL’s Commitment to Integrity of the Game.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2014). Preventing Corruption in Sport: Enhancing the Role of Governments.

University of Louisville. (2016, November 15). Study finds student-athletes from disadvantaged backgrounds more likely to cheat. ScienceDaily.

Wolfers, J. (2006, January 22). Cheating by the Book. The New York Times.

Wolohan, J. T. (2009). Sports betting in the United States. The International Sports Law Journal, (3-4), 124+.

Posted in Portfolio PhilsFan, Research | 1 Comment

Reflective – Cleveland Brown

Core Value 1. My work demonstrates that I used a variety of social and interactive practices that involve recursive stages of exploration, discovery, conceptualization, and development. 

I have always known that school shootings were becoming more frequent over time. But during my research for my paper, I have seen how often they have been happening. This is the main reason I felt passionate to have police in our schools to help prevent those acts from happening. (School Shooting Tracker: Counting school shootings since 2013 ( This article has kept track of how many school shootings have happened since 2013 all the way up to April 28, 2023. The article state ‘’Since 2013, 110 people have been killed and 163 injured by gunfire in 58 school shootings, according to a school shooting tracker NBC News is making public. As of April 28, 2023, it has been 32 days since the last school shooting.”

Core Value 2. My work demonstrates that I read critically, and that I placed texts into conversation with one another to create meaning by synthesizing ideas from various discourse communities. 

In my rebuttal argument, I used the Central Park Five case to show the reader why students and the black community have a negative view of the police. The case talks about corrupt cops and how they did dirty tactics to falsely impression 5 young black men. I used the case to show how police can be educators in schools and how they can teach students how to deal with police and all situations they might face. So if students ever have to encounter the police they will know their rights and will be better prepared to handle different kinds of situations. This is just one of the many reasons why I believe police should be in school and a way they can educate students for the real world, the student also gets a chance to put themselves in the cop’s shoes and vice versa. (Central Park Five: Crime, Coverage & Settlement (

Core Value 3. My work demonstrates that I rhetorically analyzed the purpose, audience, and contexts of my own writing and other texts and visual arguments. 

I use this value in my rebuttal argument by relating to people who might not agree with my stance on having police in schools. One of my arguments for reasons why police shouldn’t be in school is because police could use excessive force on students. (4) Police Officer Slams S.C. High School Student to the Ground – YouTube). This is a video of a police officer using excessive force on a student. My defense against this video is that the police force that is in schools will be properly trained on how to deal with kids. That way people who don’t agree with my stance on having police in school, will have a better understanding on how I plan on keeping everyone in school safe. It also shows them that I am unbiased and that problems can come with having police in our school.

Core Value 4: My work demonstrates that I have met the expectations of academic writing by locating, evaluating, and incorporating illustrations and evidence to support my own ideas and interpretations. 

I have used this value in my paper when I used this article as evidence (Miah Cerrillo: 11-year-old school shooting survivor called 911, smeared blood on herself, played dead | CNN)|Florida school shooting: A survivor’s story – BBC News|(10 Survivors Of School Gun Violence Share How It Still Reverberates Through Their Lives | HuffPost Life). This was to give a reader with different opinion than me a visual of how graphic a school shooting can be. And how a little girl who has never experience something so gruesome in her life, somehow knew to use the blood from another person and put it on herself to appear as dead. It makes them have to visualize what that may have been like for her, and could make them rethink their stance on not having police in school.

Core Value 5. My work demonstrates that I respect my ethical responsibility to represent complex ideas fairly and to the sources of my information with appropriate citation.  
I have shown this core value in my rebuttal when I point out potential problems with having police in schools. I use an argument that some police have used excessive force when disciplining a student. (4) Police Officer Slams S.C. High School Student to the Ground – YouTube). In this video, it shows a police officer using brute force on a student when trying to get her out of the classroom. And in my paper, I have given reasons why this wouldn’t have happened if my system had been in place. Police in the high schools would be a part of a special unit and will get voted in or voted out based on what the students think of them.

Posted in ClevelandBrown, Portfolio ClevelandBrown, Reflective Archives | 1 Comment

Visual Rewrite – Senpai Pio


It starts off showing the front of a school with two girls walking. It pans over to a car with a girl sitting in the passenger seat. The girl has a blank stare. This causes her to look very lost and sad.


It is showing the girl with the blank girl. Her eyes are wondering to the sides which can make the audience infer that she is staring at other kids.


It shows the view of the girl and her mother sitting in the car from the back seat. The mother looks at what I assume is her daughter and looks straight. She does this a couple of times. I can infer that the mother knows something is wrong with her daughter, but does not know the words to say to help her out.


When the mother tried speaking to the girl, the daughter quickly turned her head in disgust. This helps the audience infer that the daughter does not want to speak to her mom.


The camera focuses on the kids outside the car who seem to be happy. It quickly focuses back to the girl. She puts her head down and sniffles. The sound of snot helps one infer that she is about to start crying.


The mother obviously knows something is wrong. She looks very concern due to the blank stare on her face. She begs the daughter to talk to her, but the daughter just shakes her head and explains that she is fine.


After having her head down, she picks it up and looks at her mom angrily explaining how she is fine. The audience can tell she is not due to the lost look on her face, the watery eyes, and the comfortless of the girl.


The girl angirly wipes her nose which helps the audience know that she is not okay. Often when crying, your nose starts to run. This happens to the girl. Due to the fact that she does not want to talk, she starts to get mad which one can tell by how aggressive her nose wipe was.

Posted in Portfolio SenpaiPio, SenpaiPio, Visual Rewrite | 2 Comments